Monday, April 30, 2007

Manic Monday

You all remember “Manic Monday” by the Bangels? Well its just another Manic Monday today! This week I think is going to be a longer one my class was unusually louder then usual and you know the end of the year is going at us full speed ahead and I have 18 lil ones to get ready for the first grade. Not only were they hyper but my own children are bouncing (literally) off my walls. To give you a visual I attempted to take a few snapshots and they were all blurry because they were moving so fast. Amazing how one day makes kids go from calm to happy. Heres a snippit of a conversation that Yasmine and I had:

Me: Can I have a kiss

Yasmine: No!

Me: please I need to put them in a kissing bank so when you get old and really wont kiss me I have some stored up.

Yasmine: I wont grow old mama…

Me: Don’t you want to be big…?

Yasmine: No ill stay small. Ok 5 kissies

Me: thanks swee….*starts to kiss me repeatedly*

Onto Scrapping! I found an adorable freebie today called “Little Folded Flowers” from Haunted Pixels

So cute! I have been a scarpping funk lately nothing is inspiring me, hopefully I get a surge soon because I have a ton of pictures and no spark…

Now for Scattegories from Gina Millers blog!
The rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up!

Your Name: Sheanna

Famous Singer: Silena Murrell
4-letter word: S-I-N-G
Street: Salmon
Color: Silver
Gifts/Presents: Socks?
Vehicle: Silverrado
Things In Souvenir Shop: Socks lol
Boy Name: Swayer
Girl Name: Silvia
Movie Title: Singing in the rain
Drink: No clue
Occupation: Singer lol
Flower: ??
Celebrity: Oh my gosh Sheryl Crow hows she spell that?
Magazine: ??
US City: Silver Dale
Pro Sports Team: ?
Fruit: ?
Reason For Being Late For Work: My Socks lol
Something You Throw Away: Slime
Things You Shout: Slow!
Cartoon Character: Slicky

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sundays Delight

I cant even think of a title for this blog post so i went random! First there is Embroidered Alpha Freebie on Calicos Corner take a look:
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Cute huh?? Second have you all seen Miss Mint from peppermintcreative is coming out with some new watercolor cardboard papers i can barely contain how thrilled i am!

Today was a laid back day for us just church and home hopefully i can scrap some new pictures tomorrow! Now for sweet shoppes From our Blog to Yours!!

I have to do everything in sets of two. I guess that boarders on OCD but its sort of a quirk i guess. For example when i chew i chew in two or ill take two pictures not just one. I guess things are just better in twos?

Ok go ahead laugh away!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Itty Bitty Photo Actions
Come on who has em? I just found them and have to ask John if we can splurge and get then because im honestly in love!
Ritter 5 News that is(ritter is my last name). Get it? Right not the funny! This is kind of just what happened today lumped into one post... Today was a half day so the kids and I did Finger Paint for the kids craft challenge at! check it out in the Playground dont miss out there might just be some MM's. Small Preview of the pics i posted:
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Yasmine has decided she will only wear socks that are two different colors. Thank gosh im laid back and really dont care how to matches because all three kids have started to want to dress them self. Please God save me before the teen years of this!
I made a new layout for the Digi Challenge:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I snapped the picture during the funniest convo. Dennis was yelling for help because Emeray was Ontop of the cushion. I ran in and said Dennis you can get out! He was thrashing around like a crazy child so when i finally got down to help him he was like "Nevermind mama i can do it":puhleeze:
It was actually a relatively pretty day today after days of rain we got a few sunbreaks. Send me some sun rays Ok? And you wont believe it but we are getting a new camera next week. WOOOHOOOO!
Last but not least i got my button from the I can Be President campain(sp) to teach our kids they can do anything. Its pretty small but it made me smile cant wait for the kids to wake up so i can pin it on Yasmine. My future diplomat. :cheesy: Hope you ll had a great day and a great night!


Welcome to my blog! Daily Musings of my boring life as a scrapbooking mama!