Monday, April 30, 2007

Manic Monday

You all remember “Manic Monday” by the Bangels? Well its just another Manic Monday today! This week I think is going to be a longer one my class was unusually louder then usual and you know the end of the year is going at us full speed ahead and I have 18 lil ones to get ready for the first grade. Not only were they hyper but my own children are bouncing (literally) off my walls. To give you a visual I attempted to take a few snapshots and they were all blurry because they were moving so fast. Amazing how one day makes kids go from calm to happy. Heres a snippit of a conversation that Yasmine and I had:

Me: Can I have a kiss

Yasmine: No!

Me: please I need to put them in a kissing bank so when you get old and really wont kiss me I have some stored up.

Yasmine: I wont grow old mama…

Me: Don’t you want to be big…?

Yasmine: No ill stay small. Ok 5 kissies

Me: thanks swee….*starts to kiss me repeatedly*

Onto Scrapping! I found an adorable freebie today called “Little Folded Flowers” from Haunted Pixels

So cute! I have been a scarpping funk lately nothing is inspiring me, hopefully I get a surge soon because I have a ton of pictures and no spark…

Now for Scattegories from Gina Millers blog!
The rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up!

Your Name: Sheanna

Famous Singer: Silena Murrell
4-letter word: S-I-N-G
Street: Salmon
Color: Silver
Gifts/Presents: Socks?
Vehicle: Silverrado
Things In Souvenir Shop: Socks lol
Boy Name: Swayer
Girl Name: Silvia
Movie Title: Singing in the rain
Drink: No clue
Occupation: Singer lol
Flower: ??
Celebrity: Oh my gosh Sheryl Crow hows she spell that?
Magazine: ??
US City: Silver Dale
Pro Sports Team: ?
Fruit: ?
Reason For Being Late For Work: My Socks lol
Something You Throw Away: Slime
Things You Shout: Slow!
Cartoon Character: Slicky

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